We will be selling very special goody bags.
To express our gratitude to our customers, we will be selling a very special HAPPY BAG filled with randomly selected items that are scheduled to be discontinued for a limited...
We will be selling very special goody bags.
To express our gratitude to our customers, we will be selling a very special HAPPY BAG filled with randomly selected items that are scheduled to be discontinued for a limited...
Free Shipping Campaign!
HAPPY CAKE JEWELS has over 2000 followers on Instagram! ✨ We would like to express our gratitude to all of you... We will hold a campaign for free domestic packet...
Free Shipping Campaign!
HAPPY CAKE JEWELS has over 2000 followers on Instagram! ✨ We would like to express our gratitude to all of you... We will hold a campaign for free domestic packet...
Request for online store sales during the POP U...
We will be holding a POP UP STORE in Horie, Osaka from January 20 to 22.
Request for online store sales during the POP U...
We will be holding a POP UP STORE in Horie, Osaka from January 20 to 22.
【再販のお知らせ】ステンレス製 ミックスチェーン2WAYチョーカーネックレス
【再販のお知らせ】ステンレス製 ミックスチェーン2WAYチョーカーネックレス
新作のパールリボンネックレスを今月20日〜大阪で合同POP UP STOREでのお披露目に先駆けて、オンラインにて期間・数量限定販売致します。
新作のパールリボンネックレスを今月20日〜大阪で合同POP UP STOREでのお披露目に先駆けて、オンラインにて期間・数量限定販売致します。